Tuesday, September 25, 2018

She Is Not Afraid of the Snow

 She is not afraid of the snow for her household; for all her household are clothed in scarlet.

In the contour of her face I see her character. Spirited eyes above cheekbones wink with a vivacious view of a life meant to be caught. The line of her mouth can temper the emotion of an entire room with a mere upturn or frown. A resilient tenacity dares anyone to cross her and is set in the silhouette of her jawline and neck.  

Raspberry drizzled cheesecake on white china reminds me of another so dear to my primal heart. I close my eyes in the dim light and and smile as I ever so faintly hear the warm memory of her laugh. My soul is warmed to a shiver as I realize that the universe has placed the best parts of my beloved Mammaw deep in the being of my daughter.

A calm peace covers my mind as the chaos and noise that often dominate my thoughts ware gone as if covered by a thick blanket of freshly fallen snow. The crimson of the raspberry sauce fills my tastes and covers my senses. This moment is sealed in memory as one of those eternally captured snow-globe panoramas of reminiscence.

Reaching back in my mind I see a snow covered day with my Mammaw Ruth filled with a plastic disc sled, a bounding golden retriever, a risky road-trip adventure to Wendy's and the warmth of loving what the day could offer with her. She opened my eyes to the beauty found in the every day of living. She covered the mundane bleakness of life with crashing waves of fierce crimson, dished out as drizzled cheesecake, laughter, and kisses.

I look up to the face of my daughter, Aleks. I am amazed by her ability to laugh and find beauty in all circumstances. I watch her movements as candles reflect on her face. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the times to come. 

I nearly weep with the realization that my life is so richly blessed by these two women of virtue. 

Proverbs 31: 21 and 25.

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